Weaknesses of Paul
The Homosexuality from Socrates to Christ
The Love and The Law,
Hypatia Historicity Part II,
What my eyes see, my heart doesn’t feel
Antiquities XVIIIi [x]
1 “Lit. Hist.,” article “Cyrillus.”
“Bibl. Græca,” pt. iv, b. 5.
3 Writing to the clergy and people of
Constantinople, Pope St. Celestine said: “We have deemed it proper that in so
important a matter we ourselves should be in some sort present among you, and therefore
we have appointed our brother Cyril as our representative.” And, writing to St.
Cyril, the Pontiff says: “You will proclaim this sentence by our authority,
acting in our place by virtue of our power; so that if Nestorius, within ten
days after his admonition, does not anathematize his impious doctrine, you will
declare him deprived of communion with us, and you will at once provide for the
needs of the Constantinopolitan Church.” It is quite natural that Protestant
polemics should be hostile to the memory of the great “Doctor of the
Incarnation,” who thus apostrophized the Blessed Virgin in the Council of
Ephesus: “I salute thee, Mother of God, venerable treasure of the entire
universe! I salute thee, who didst enclose the Immense, the Incomprehensible,
in thy virginal womb! I salute thee, by whose means heaven triumphs, angels
rejoice, demons are put to flight, the tempter is vanquished, the culpable
creature is raised to heaven, a knowledge of truth is based on the ruins of
idolatry! I salute thee, through whom all the churches of the earth have been
founded, and all nations led to penance! I salute thee, in fine, by whom the
only Son of God, the Light of the world, has enlightened those who were seated
in the shadow of death! Can any man worthily laud the incomparable Mary?”
4 These were an order of minor clerics,
probably only tonsured, who were deputed to the service of the sick both in
hospitals and at home. Their name was derived from their constant exposure to
danger. The first mention of them in a public document occurs in an ordinance
of Theodosius II., in 416; but they are here spoken of as having been in
existence many years, and probably they were instituted in the time of
Constantine. In course of time they became arrogant and seditious, and were
finally abolished. At Alexandria they numbered six hundred, and were all
appointed by the patriarch.
5 “Hist. Eccl.,” b. vii, § 15.
6 In his “Dictionnaire Philosophique;”
article “Hypatia.”
7 “Examen Important de Milord
Bolingbroke,” chap. 34, “Des Chrétiens jusqu’à Theodose.”
“Discours de Julien contre la Secte
des Galiléens.”
9 “L’Etablissement du Christianisme,”
chap. 24, “Excés de Fanatisme.”
10 M. Aubé, in vol. xxv, p. 712.
11 Vol. ix., p. 505 — Cantù does not touch
the question of St. Cyril’s responsibility for this crime. This is all that the
great historian says concerning Hypatia: “Theon, a professor in Alexandria,
commentated on Euclid and Ptolemy, but became more famous on account of his
beautiful daughter Hypatia. Taught mathematics by him, and perfected at Athens,
she was invited to teach philosophy in her native city. She followed the
eclectics, but based her system on the exact sciences, and introduced
demonstrations into the speculative, thus reducing them to a more rigorous
method than they had hitherto known. Bishop Synesius was her scholar, and
always venerated her. Orestes, Prefect of Egypt, admired and loved her, and
followed her counsels in his contest with the fiery Archbishop, St. Cyril. It
was said that it was owing to Hypatia’s enthusiasm for paganism that Orestes
became unfavorable to the Christians. Hence certain imprudent persons so
excited the people against her that one day, while she was going to her school,
she was dragged from her litter, stripped and killed, and her members thrown
into the flames.” (Storia Universale,” b. vii, c. 23. Edit. Ital. 10; Turin,
12 This heresy was an outgrowth of the schism of
Novatian, who, instigated by Novatus, a Carthaginian priest, tried to usurp the
pontifical throne of St. Cornelius in 251. Its cardinal doctrine was that there
were some sins which the Church can not forgive. It subsisted in the East until
the seventh century, and in the West until the eighth.’
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